علامة تجارية: NMB-MTA
نموذج: 3615KL-04في-B59
واضعا الكرة مزدوج:
بحجم: 92X92X38mm can be: 90X90X38MM
متوسط الوقت للفشل (V 0.17A مروحة تبريد الكرة العاكس): 180000 ساعات
الفولطية: 12V
تيار: 0.60ا
قوة: 7.2W
مميزات: long working life is overwhelming, 180000 hour MTBF; high precision and high quality of the parts without compromise!
المميزات: use “NMB-MAT Silent IC IC special design of high speed Series” loading, large volume suitable for high temperature environment radiation.
Very best of a fan, using high precision double ball bearing, very durable, safe and reliable quality, stable operation, large air quantity, is a very good product, like a friend not miss, quickly!
A large number of spot inventory, welcome wholesale and procurement, large amount of prices, welcome to call!
100% أصلية أصيلة, التنكر!!