特徴: 1. Compact, stylish, innovative design. 2. Intelligent temperature control and turbine fan acceleration functions. 3. Turbo radiator, through turbine wind pressure, extraction of the hot air out of a running system, which stabilizes the operation of the notebook and prolongs its lifetime. 4. LCD temperature display can show the internal airflow temperature, (Speed range: Intelligent 2000 to 4500turn +-10%, constant speed rotation speed 4500 +-10%) 5. Four ventilation connector, compatible with all notebook outlet. 6. Three super strong suction cup and bottom fixed board make it easier to fix on the laptop. 7. USB interface 5V power supply is more convenient and reliable. 8. Light and handy, easy for storage and carrying. 9. Long service life and low noise. 10. Especially suitable for game players.
Intelligent temperature control: Notebook temperature: 35℃, 45℃, 50℃, 55℃ Intelligent speed: 2500turn, 3500turn, 4000turn, 4500turn (Fan revolutions per minute)
使用法: 1. Power-on, using USB DC power cord, connect laptop with USB, connect radiator with DC. 2. Lift the outlet end of notebook slightly, connect the laptop outlet using the silicone ventilation interface matching with the radiator 3. Put down the notebook, then you can start using. 4. 2-model intelligent adjust speed: 1. Rapid cooling model: Press round button, the green light is on, then the turbo fan enter the constant speed gears state, speed 4500~4800 turns. 2. Intelligent cooling model: when you second time press round button, the blue light is on, enter the intelligent speed regulation, speed 2000~4500 turns.
仕様: 定格電圧: 5直流電圧 定格電流: 0.40±10% A 入力電源: 2.00±10% W ファン回転速度: 4500±10% PRM 色: 黒 耐用年数: Over 30,000 時間 商品サイズ: 12.3 * 8.4 * 3.8cm Item weight: 149g 
パッケージ内容: 1 x USB cooler air extracting cooling fan 1 x USB cable 3 x Sucker 4 x Ventilation connector 4 x 3mm adhesive mat 1 x Fixed board 1 x User manual (English and Chinese)            
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