PLD09210S12HH/t129215sm Computer VGA cooler STRIX-R9FURY-DC3 graphics card fan for ASUS STRIX R9 FURY Video cards cooling
please pay attention:
親愛なる友人,welcome to our store.before you place the order,please think twice that we need to state that manufacturer produce the same model cooling fans but maybe with little outward appearance.such as cable color,plug is not whole the same with yours.but when the cooling fans’ size is the same,and the plug can compatible with the card as we advertised.the items in our store all can compatible with the model that we advertised. manufacturers and we sellers treat these fans are the same as description.the items we selling now all are just as replacement can not the same as different buyers’ original broken fans.if you get the cooling fan which have a little difference,please do not open dispute and just give the reason that the cable and connector is different.we can not accept this kind of reason.
This item is a video card fan that used for PC replacement.Mounting screws, Heatsink are not included.
Please confirm the fan’s dimension and distance between each mounting hole, then make sure that it will fit for your video card or not.
- 製品ブランド:powerlogic or eveflow
- 製品モデル: PLD09210S12HH or t129215su we send randomly,we do not accept the selection about model.brand.please pay attention to it and then place the order,we do not accept the dispute about model
- 部品の説明:DC12V 0.4A
- パーツ情報1:サイズ:85x85x10mm
- 取付穴ピッチ:28ミリメートル*28ミリメートル*28ミリメートル*28ミリメートル
Replacement For ASUS STRIX R9 FURY Video cards cooling
STRIX R9 FURY Video cards cooling fan
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