상품명 : Computer Case Cooling Fan;정격전압 : DC 12V;정격 전류 : 0.25ㅏ;베어링 종류 : 슬리브 베어링
속도 : 3500 RPM;공기 흐름 : 65.01CFM;Air Pressure : 3.83 MM-H2O;소음 : 40데시벨
외부 자료 : 플라스틱;색상 : 검은색;Mount Hole Diameter : 4.3mm /0.17″
Mount Hole Distance(중심에서 중심으로) : 82mm / 3.2″;커넥터 : 2 Pins IDE Power Connector;크기 : 92 엑스 92 x 25mm / 3.6″ x 3.6″ x 1″ (l*w*h)
케이블 길이 : 30센티미터 / 12″;순중량 : 77g;패키지 내용 : 1 x Computer Case Cooling Fan 92mm x 25mm DC 12V 2Pin 65.01CFM Computer Case CPU Cooler Cooling Fan
- 2 Pins IDE Power Connector cooling fan for computer case, CPU 쿨러, other radiator, 등.
1.7 m approx Instructions for use
Changing the water that came with the suction pipe immersed in a fish tank 4-5 inch up and down shaking the water several times until the tank is automatically discharged
패키지 포함
1 x Fish Tank Vacuum ”