제조업체: 델타
모델: AFB0812HB
크기: 80mm X 80mm X 15mm (3.15 엑스 3.15 엑스 0.59 신장)
베어링: Double Ball Bearing = twice the balls than regular ball bearing for less friction (lasts
longer and is quieter than regular Ball, Sleeve or Rifle Bearings with similar RPM/CFM)
기대 수명: will last longer than fan with regular Ball, Sleeve or Rifle Bearings because it has less friction
속도: 3100 RPM
공기 흐름: 33.55 CFM (0.95 m3/분)
Air Pressure: 3.5 mmAq (34.32아빠, 0.138inAq)
소음 수준: 34 데시벨
전압: 12VDC
Operating range: from 7V~13.8V
Amperage: 0.2 Amps
와트수: 2.4 와트
전원 커넥터: tinned end (no connector)
Wire Conductors: 2철사
와이어 길이: 12인치 (30.48센티미터)
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