제조업체: Minebea
모델: 4710KL-04W-B19
이중 볼 베어링:
The mean time to failure (MTTF): 180000 시간
전압: DC 12V
흐름: 0.17ㅏ
속도: 1600rpm + 10%
소음: 27.0데시벨
용량: 63.57CFM
풍압: 17.9아빠
길이: 40 센티미터
상호 작용: the motherboard 3 pin Hei Hongbai white lines to stop rotating warning line
무게: 180 grams
Characteristics: long working life is overwhelming, 180000 hour MTBF; parts structure high precision and high quality without compromise.
특징: use “IC NMB-MAT Silent IC mute specially designed Series” loading, suitable for the silent lovers of the computer, to eliminate the noise, motor pole switching patter