사용된,not brand new,but it’s fairly new,reference picture.
Baby Description: Original German PAPST
[모델]: TYP3414H
[크기]: 92 × 92 × 25mm
[정격전압]: 24V [12V-28 = DC]
Voltage frequency: 50헤르츠
[모터 파워]: 3.8W
[정격회전수: 3000 1 / 분
The maximum amount of wind []: 94 m3 / h 55.3CFM
[압력] range: 0 .. 360 아빠
[Index] 소음: 36 데시벨 (ㅏ)
온도 범위: -20 ..70 ° 씨
Life expectancy: 40 ° C when the life expectancy of 70,000 hours L10
ConFOR Nection method: + 빨간색 – 검은색
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