모델: 311KL-04W-B59 (with 311KL-04W-B50 same paragraph, B50 for two lines, this is the third line with a gun)
베어링: 듀얼 볼
Mean time to failure (MTTF): 180000 Hours Hours
전압: DC12V
작동 전압: 6.0V ~ 13.8V
흐름: 0.3ㅏ
힘: 2.76W
속도: 3250RPM
소음: 34데시벨
바람: 38.8CFM
압력: 37.2아빠
케이블 길이: 센티미터
커넥터: 3-pin motherboard red, yellow, black and white lines for guns
무게: 95 g