Ebmpapst 8318/17 48VDC Fan with Alarm Sensor – 80mm X 80mm X 32mm
P/N: 8318/17
Marka: Ebmpapst
– Alarm signal for speed monitoring.
– Signal output via open collector.
– The fan emits a high continuous signal during trouble-free operation within the permissible voltage range.
– Low signal when speed limit is not reached.
– After elimination of fault, the fan returns to its setpoint speed; the alarm signal reverts to high.
Alarm Specifications:
Alarm Output Voltage UALow: ≤ 0,4
Stan: N < nG Condition Isink: 2mA Alarm outputvoltage UA High: 60 VDC Condition: N > nG
Stan: Isource: 0mama
Alarm operatingvoltage UBA max.: ≤ 60 VDC
Maks. permissible Sink current: 20mama
Alarm delay time t2: ≤ 15 S
Stan: *
Speed limit nG: 1500 ±100 min–1
Uwaga: With these fan specials, deviations as regards temperature range, voltage range and power consumption are possible compared with standard fans.
More Specifications:
Przepływ powietrza: 54 m3/godz, 31.8cfm
Nominal Voltage: 48VDC
Voltage Range 36-56VDC
Sound pressure level: 36 dB(A)
Poziom mocy dźwięku: 5.2 Bel(A)
Zużycie energii: 3.0 Waty
Nominal speed: 3300 rmp-1
Zakres temperatur: -20C-+65C
Materiał: Housing: GRP1)(PBT)
Impeller: GRP1)(ROCZNIE)
Direction of air flow: Exhaust over struts
Kierunek obrotu: Clockwise, looking towards rotor
Połączenie: Via single wires AWG 22,TR 64
Waga: 170 G